Monday, September 30, 2019

Comparing Civilizations Essay

1. Write an essay comparing and contrasting two civilizations in one category from the River Valley Civilizations sheet. For example, you could choose Egypt and China and compare and contrast the governments. Your essay should have specific information. Be sure to explain both how they were alike and how they were different in that category. You can use the River Valley Civilizations sheet as a reference. Answer: Ancient Egypt and China were very similar but also differed in many ways. Their geography was alike. They both shared the same concept of writing. Both civilizations valued religion and made it a big part of their lives. The main difference between the two countries would be the intricacies of their cultures. This essay will compare and contrast the two ancient civilizations. Egypt and China both had an abundance of waters. For Egypt, it was the Nile River, for China, the Yellow River. These rivers were really important to both of the civilizations in many ways. They both had systems of writing that incorporated simple pictures. Both the ancient Egyptians and Chinese were polytheistic. The Chinese and Egyptians were both technologically advanced. Both of them even had complex irrigation methods. Also, literacy was limited to a select amount of people for both civilizations. When it comes to differences between the two civilizations, they often come down to the detail. For example, both of them had organized governments but Egypt’s was a Theocracy and China’s was a Monarchy. Social hierarchy differed between the two, as well. In Egypt, the Pharaoh was the sun and stars over the whole of Egypt, he was believed to be a reincarnation of God. In china however, home and family were at the center of life. The two both built great structures, but th e Egyptians made Pyramids while the Chinese built the Great Wall of China. The ancient Egyptians buried the dead with thought to preservation due to the belief that the souls could use their bodies in the after life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Rhetorical Appeals Essay

A pet is defined as a domestic or tamed animal or bird kept for companionship or pleasure and treated with care and affection. Some people believe that pets are the most loyal friends you will ever have. Anyone who owns or has previously owned a type of pet, whether it be a dog, cat, fish, rabbit, or anything else, understands what it is like to have something so innocent depend on you. When purchasing a pet, you are taking on the responsibility of nurturing and caring for someone other than yourself. I chose a commercial by the ASPCA that raises awareness about animal abuse. The goal of the ASPCA is â€Å"to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.† I chose this commercial because I am an avid animal lover and I have both a dog and a cat at home. They are a part of my family, and I would never let anything bad happen to them or mistreat them. The thought of poor animals being abused or neglected for no reason at all disturbs me beyond belief. Why would someone choose to purposely abuse an innocent creature who has no way to defend itself, and has done nothing wrong? I do not understand people who do this. Through this essay, I want to state the reasons why I was attracted to this commercial and how it swayed me to support the association. Additionally, my goal for this piece is to represent how rhetorical appeals can be used not only in writing, but also in media. Even though this commercial is most likely geared more towards animal lovers, it does an excellent job of grabbing the attention of viewers who may not have a strong connection with animals in their own lives. ************** Rhetorical Analysis through Animal Cruelty Imagine that you are walking through the mall and notice the pet store on your way to the nearest Macy’s. In the window of the pet store you see two healthy, happy, golden retriever puppies waiting for someone to come take them to a permanent home. You are in awe of how adorable they are. Unfortunately, you cannot afford a puppy right at that moment, so you move forward with your errands at Macy’s. Later that day, as you are driving home, you drive through a neighborhood that is in poor shape. Out in the front yard of one of the houses, there is a fenced yard with a somewhat large dog standing in the grass. As you drive by, you notice that the dog is extremely skinny and you can see the dog’s rib cage through its skin. Also, the dog seems to be limping around the yard. Twenty minutes later, you finally arrive home and the image of the poor dog is still in the back of your mind. You think to yourself how anyone could possibly treat an innocent animal that way. In 2006, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) created a commercial starring famous singer/song writer, Sarah McLachlan, to raise awareness towards animal abuse and to raise money to help the thousands of mistreated animals in the United States. The commercial starts out with clips of abused animals and slides with facts about these animals, and then moves on to Sarah McLachlan giving a speech about the society and how it would be beneficial to donate money to the foundation. All three of the rhetorical appeals (pathos, ethos, logos, and kairos) are used in this commercial in order to sway the opinion of viewers towards being against animal cruelty and helping to save the lives of countless animals. The first two rhetorical appeals used in the ASPCA commercial are pathos and kairos. They are demonstrated in multiple ways throughout the commercial. The first emotional appeal that viewers will notice is the somewhat sad music in the background, which is Sarah McLachlan’s â€Å"Angel†. Just listening to this song will evoke sadness. This is because the lyrics of the song are mildly depressing, and an example of this would be the lyrics â€Å"You’re in the arms of the angel, may you find comfort here.† These lyrics are symbolic towards the commercial because the ASPCA would be considered the angel, and the animals who are saved by the foundation would be able to â€Å"find comfort† when they are rescued. The next element in the commercial is the slideshow of pictures and videos of abused animals that plays along with McLachlan’s song. These pictures show many different types of animals that have been physically abused and malnourished. The melancholy music, along with these images, cause viewers to feel for the animals and want to help them. Thus, using pathos to cause the viewers to lean towards helping these innocent creatures, instead of ignoring the issue. Kairos is used in the way that everything in the commercial has perfect timing. The music immediately starts playing, which effects viewer’s emotions. Every element of the commercial comes in at the perfect time and is organized in the right way to persuade viewers. Ethos is the next rhetorical approach used in persuading the viewers to help the ASPCA and to stand against animal-related violence. Famous singer/song writer, Sarah McLachlan, is featured in multiple ASPCA commercials and is a strong supporter of rescuing animals in need and helping to raise awareness about animal abuse and neglect. In the video, she is petting a yellow lab, giving the impression that she is an animal lover and wants to help them. Also, the music playing in the background is Sarah’s song referenced above, which adds sincerity to the commercial. â€Å"Angel† was not written specifically for the commercial, but because the meaning of the song is relevant to the ASPCA’s cause, it was used. Viewers who see a celebrity such as her representing this organization may be more inclined to donate to the ASPCA. Although, some might question whether or not McLachlan is an expert on the subject and if the information she gives is credible. Towards the end of the video, she says â€Å"that for just $18 a month, you can save many animals from their abusers.† Through this statement, she causes viewers to feel like they will make a difference and become heroes, if they donate their money. By emphasizing the price, McLachlan wants convey to viewers that just a small amount of money, can go a long way in helping the foundation. This is a prime example of ethos because McLachlan uses her music fame to encourage the audience to support the organization, even though she is not an expert concerning animal abuse. Logos is the final rhetorical approach that ASPCA uses in their anti-animal abuse commercials. Certain facts are listed in order to show that this organization has made a difference in order to rescue animals that are abused and/or neglected. However, these facts cause the logical appeal to be weak because they are quite broad and non-specific. For example, the commercial stated that in the last year, thousands of animals were rescued. Then, it continues to say that for thousands of other animals, help came too late. This statement proclaims that there is a large number of animals who need to be rescued and/or helped, but it does not give specific statistical evidence as to exactly how many animals are in need. The amount of animals listed that need rescued may seem exaggerated, because there is not a specific number given. Also, it could seem like a rhetorical fallacy. For those who need these facts in order to be convinced of an argument, this may cause the viewer to lose interest or not believe the information in the commercial. In conclusion, I chose this ASPCA commercial primarily because of the way it appealed to my emotions. I was immediately drawn in while watching it and could not look away. The strongest rhetorical element for this commercial is pathos because of the strong emotional relation it creates. Ethos is equally represented in the commercial as well because of the celebrity reputation of Sarah McLachlan and her starring role in trying to convince viewers to help out the ASPCA through donation. Kairos is also well embodied through the element of excellent timing, and how each part of the commercial fell into perfect rhythm. Logos is the weakest rhetorical appeal represented because the facts listed are not detailed and quite general. Accordingly, I would argue that this commercial is extremely effective in showing the general public the seriousness of animal abuse. And because of this, viewers are more inclined to contribute to the association.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Summary of Industrial Convergence, Globalization

Through the use of descriptive and comparative analysis, the authors intend on demonstrating that the convergence of the industrialization gap was not accompanied by a convergence in the income levels gap between former First World and Third World countries. Thus, the North-South divide still exists. Through economic models, the persistence of the North-South income divide is explained. Simultaneously, the authors discuss the development project and globalization project and how the shifts occurred. Additionally, the reproduction of the North-South divide is discussed. The paper is concluded with a highlight on the factors destabilizing the new illusio and the long-term future of the Northern-dominated hierarchy of wealth. The paper is separated into four subsections. In the first subsection titled World Income Inequality, Development and â€Å"Globalization†, the authors examine the theoretical framework of the paper. Firstly, the authors discuss income inequality between countries and highlight that debates on world income inequality do not completely address the persistence or non-persistence of the North-South divide issue. Thus, the paper addresses this. The authors state that in theory, the North-South divide could decline in significance even if extreme inter-country income inequality persisted. They further state that this would be the case if inter-country inequality was accompanied by switches within the distribution of income between former Third World countries and former First World countries. Furthermore, the authors suggest that unequal income distribution is characterized by less long-term upward/downward mobility of countries from Third world to First World and vice-versa. This can reflect a hierarchy of wealth. Previous research showed that this upward/downward shift was achieved by few countries. Additionally, the authors mention that there is a consensus in relevant literature that global hierarchy of wealth is a legacy of industrial and territorial expansion of Western nations. Due to this legacy, it is anticipated that decolonization and industrialization of Third World countries would reduce the North-South divide. The authors moreover, explain that theories of national development believed that industrialization was essential for Third World countries to attain wealth standards of the First World countries. This became the objective of the Third World development efforts and the narrowing of the industrialization gap was the instrument through which this would be achieved (Arrighi,G,. Silver,J,B,. and Brewer,D,B,. 2003. p. 6). This subsequently led to synonymous use of industrialization and development. To conclude this subsection, the authors provide reasons to why the paper focuses on industrialization and the North-South divide. Firstly, the reasons for focusing on industrialization are because the authors wish to verify empirically the validity of the theory (or assumption) that industrialization is the most effective means of achieving the development efforts objective. Further reasons include that industrialization has costs and benefits, but these quantifiable costs are visible and invisible. On the other hand, the focus on the North-South divide is aimed at assessing the success or failure of the Third World development efforts. In the next subsection, the authors use empirical analysis to investigate the impact of the change in the global political-economic environment on Third World developmental efforts. This is completed by comparing changes in industrialization and income over two periods (1960-1980 and 1980-1998/9) in a particular country. The main findings were that for pre-1980, the industrialization gap was narrowed. This was due to de-industrialization in the First World countries and not because of industrialization of the Third World countries. Conversely, the income gap was not narrowed. For post-1980, the new environment was unfavourable to the success of the efforts as the industrialization gap was narrowed but the income gap increasingly diverged between First and Third World and among Third World countries. The authors conclude the subsection by stating that the discrepancy between convergence in industrialization and the lack of income convergence between First World countries and Third World countries in both periods is a result of no positive correlation between industrial and income performance (Arrighi,G,. et al,. 2003. p. 15). To explain the recurring failure of industrialization in achieving the development efforts objective, economic development models were utilized in the third subsection of the paper. Firstly, according to Joseph Schumpeter’s creative destruction theory, major profit-oriented innovations are the main impulses that generate and sustain competitive pressures in a capitalist system. This theory further elucidates that the occurrence of innovations under capitalism â€Å"increasingly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, increasingly destroying the only one, increasingly creating a new one† (Arrighi,G,. t al,. 2003. p. 16). This results in immediate gains by wealthy countries but also intensifies competition and causes losses or moderate gains for poorer countries. Secondly, Raymond Vernon’s â€Å"Product life cycle† and Akamatsu’s â€Å"Flying geese† theories portray the diffusion of industrial innovations as a spatially structured process starting in wealthy countries and progressing to poorer countries. Both authors of the models emphasize that the innovation process tends to begin in wealthier nations. Higher rewards (spectacular prize) are therefore generated or won by the wealthier countries and poorer countries generate fewer or no rewards at all. The reason for this is that when poorer countries adopt â€Å"new† innovations they are subjected to intense competition and no longer yield high returns. In light of this, the First World countries gained Oligarchic wealth through industrialization. Oligarchic wealth is wealth attained by a few as attempts to attain it raises costs and reduces benefits. The authors further explain that due to unequal opportunities for economic advancement, a problem of adding up was created. This problem affected countries that wished to attain Oligarchic wealth and countries that wished to maintain it. In addition, the intense competition that resulted from generalized industrialization efforts prevented First World countries from attaining their wealth and undermined the industrial foundations of oligarchic wealth of First World countries. In the 1970’s, this was actualized as intense worldwide competition adversely affected the First World countries. Third World countries benefited in terms of industrialization and economic advancement as natural resources had higher prices and had access to large supply of credit and investment. A â€Å"fear of falling† was created among First World countries due to their de-industrialization. The U. S. adopted neo-utilitarian and state minimalist doctrines as a response to the U. S. hegemony crisis. According to Bourdieu, the response of the U. S. an be characterized as a stepping up of investments within the disintegrating Keynesian framework of state action and capital accumulation. By 1980, the U. S. specialized in global financial intermediation and speculation. This new innovation by the U. S. was a more profitable innovation as this market niche was not overcrowded like the industrialization market niche. This contributed to the rattling of the reoccurrence of the North-South divide as the restructuring led to large capital outflows in Third World countries, as proven by Mexico’s default in 1982. This further led to the division in the fortunes of Third World countries because when the U. S. ’s demand for cheap industrial products grew, East Asian countries had an advantage over Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America because they were able to provide these manufactured goods. Finally, the development project experienced a crisis during this restructuring. Third World countries had not experienced any benefits from this development effort as promised. Third World countries reluctantly joined the new illusio or globalization project which was propagated by the Washington Consensus which called for open markets and intense competition. In the final subsection titled Limits and Contradictions of the Neoliberal Counter Revolution, the authors seek to explain how stable the new illusio is expected to be and if there are signs of future subversion of the Northern-dominated global hierarchy of wealth in present trends. The authors state that the new illusio is a global system characterized by unstable mix of large and persistent inequalities (Arrighi,G,. t al. 2003). Furthermore, sources likely to destabilize the global project are presented. This includes the restoration of the US hegemony and Western wealth and non-compliance of Third World countries in opening up their economies fully. Finally, the authors explain that the demand for a New International Economic Order will have impact on the re-emergence of East Asia as a dynamic region of global economy and emphasize that the present and future of the global hierarchy of wealth may be China’s expansion.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Professional ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Professional ethics - Essay Example The professional ethics usually go in line with the moral ethics, placing expectations to the members of the profession to act in a morally permissible manner. Examples of common professional ethics that cut across all professions include loyalty, transparency, integrity, honesty, among others. Some professionals such as medical practitioners have their own universal code of ethics which are observed world-wide by all the members of that profession. All medical doctors have to abide to the ‘Hippocratic oath’, which is their universal form of professional ethics. Professional ethics are very important not only for the professionals but also for the members of the public. They place some responsibilities on members of a certain profession in line with the training and expectations of the society from the professions. For example, professional ethics of a police officer give him or her responsibility of maintaining law and order, preventing crime and ensuring the general wellbeing of the society. It would thus be against the professional ethics of a police officer if a crime is committed in his presence and the officer does not respond to the situation. On the contrary, an ordinary citizen or member of another profession who has no training in law enforcement will not be held responsible for being unable to stop a crime in progress as that is not his/her responsibility. Professional ethics also aid in ensuring optimum service delivery by members of a profession by maintaining discipline within the profession. For example, professional ethics expect members of a profession always to strive to deliver as per the main objectives of the profession without looking at monetary gain. This means that for one to be a member of a given profession, he or she must have a passion and will to serve the people as per what the society expects of them without looking at how much he/she will gain from doing so. For example, it is professional ethics that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discussion 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion 4 - Essay Example He established a new social hierarchy system. This was different from what prevailed in the time of his predecessors. His new social hierarchy was based on talent and he himself chose the most able generals, scientists, wealthy men and former nobles as senators. He also introduced a new system of hierarchy of noble titles. These titles could be inherited but they had also had to be supported with wealth. Able and favored generals were often rewarded with estates in conquered territories. He also appointed his sons to exotic positions. His most impressive and long last achievement was the introduction of Civil Code also called Napoleonic Code that was completed in 1804. Under the code property rights, religious freedom and uniform laws of Freedom provided equal treatment for adult males but reduced the rights of women, children and employees. On the battle ground, he went way beyond his predecessors. He did not imply that war, the leader must memorize all the details of past wars and emulate the completely, for instance those fought by Alexander, Hannibal, Ceasar, Turenne, and Frederick the Great. Napoleon was not a greater innovator as a soldier himself. Infact, he did not trust ideas, precisely why he disbanded the balloon companies inherited from the Armies of the Revolution and rejected Rover Fulton’s offer of submarines and naval mines.

Oral presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oral presentation - Essay Example and expenses over necessary employees training programs, health benefits, food etc. In addition, it can lead to ‘decreased absenteeism, work/family balance, higher morale, save of the transport time, reduced employee work stress related issues and finally better employee performance’. On the flip side, it can lead to lesser managerial control over employees and subordinates, lack of team-based environment, reduced ‘face-to-face contacts’ and friendliness among employees, lack of communication (and coordination) among managers and employees, and most importantly to lack of discussions about industry advancements and innovations because telecommuters do not often attend organizational developmental programs unless they are compelled to do so. Moreover, technical problems may take additional time to get resolved in such scenarios. (Internet: This paper starts with a formal definition of Telecommuting and its explanation to fully comprehend the idea behind this tool. I would then describe the working of Telecommuting followed by all the potential advantages and disadvantages of Telecommuting that would be the body of this assignment and the main focus of my paper. Finally, I will conclude my paper by comparing the benefits of Telecommuting with the costs that could be incurred during adoption and implementation stages. I would finally end up this paper by proving my recommendation towards this whole exercise. Today, the world has become a global village after the emergence of international markets (worldwide trading centers) and global media such as BBC, CNN, MTV, ESPN sports and other channels that together have led to a universal culture (example Valentine’s Day) with mostly similar tastes, preferences and consumption of products offered by various organizations (examples include KFC, PNG, Burger King, Levis and Strauss, Gucci, Rolex, Toyota etc). Moreover, global trade agreements such as WTO, NAFTA etc.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

OHS Safety Management System National Implementation Project Research Paper

OHS Safety Management System National Implementation Project - Research Paper Example Through communications management, project information will be generated, collected, transmitted as well as stored. Project risk management will ensure identification, analysis, and response to risks arising when implementing the project. Procurement management will entail procuring or acquiring goods as well as services for a project from external performing companies. The Project Management Institute describes the project management as the utilization of skills, knowledge, techniques, as well as tools to the activities of the project in order to meet the requirements of the project (41). This shows that those involved in managing a project have to strive to meet the expectations and needs of the people affected or involved by the activities of the project (Sai Global Limited). The main elements of this framework are the project management areas and project stakeholders. The stakeholders are the people affected or involved in the activities and encompass project team, project sponso r, users, support staff, suppliers, customers, and also project opponents. The implementation of a national safety management system will take place in four phases which will be used as an outline for evaluating the effectiveness of project implementation. Phase one will involve planning of OHS national Safety management system. Phase two will focus on reactive safety management processes. The third phase will focus on predictive and proactive safety management processes whereas the fourth phase will focus on operational safety assurance. This phased approach to implementing a national safety management system is a clear-cut process. It is evident that complex projects in management of projects are best progressed through breaking down... The paper tells that the Project Management Institute describes the project management as the utilization of skills, knowledge, techniques, as well as tools to the activities of the project in order to meet the requirements of the project. This shows that those involved in managing a project have to strive to meet the expectations and needs of the people affected or involved by the activities of the project. The main elements of this framework are the project management areas and project stakeholders. The stakeholders are the people affected or involved in the activities and encompass project team, project sponsor, users, support staff, suppliers, customers, and also project opponents. The implementation of a national safety management system will take place in four phases which will be used as an outline for evaluating the effectiveness of project implementation. Phase one will involve planning of OHS national Safety management system. Phase two will focus on reactive safety managem ent processes. The third phase will focus on predictive and proactive safety management processes whereas the fourth phase will focus on operational safety assurance. This phased approach to implementing a national safety management system is a clear-cut process. It is evident that complex projects in management of projects are best progressed through breaking down the entire intricacy of the task at hand into smaller and controllable subcomponents of the entire task. This will allow for smaller or partial resources allotment to complete activities subsets.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research Methods and Design Assignment 2 - literature Review Paper

Methods and Design Assignment 2 - literature Review - Research Paper Example Brynt & Idey (2001) mentioned that they display more fantasy proneness and greater absorption (as cited in Wilson & Barber, 1981; Barber & Glass, 1962). They also experience greater imaginary involvement (as cited in Hilgard, 1979) and a strong attention focus (as cited in Kumar, Pekala & Cummings, 1996). For measuring individual differences, Braffman & Kirsch (2001), discovered two detriments i.e. â€Å"simple and go/no go reaction times†. Hypnotisability was positively related with simple reaction time and negatively with go/no go reaction time, when non hypnotic suggestibility was statistically controlled. Specific, noteworthy characteristics make some individuals more susceptible to hypnosis than others. For many years, hypnotisability scales are in practise, in both clinical and research settings. A set of standardized suggestions are used to check individuals’ responses, following standardized induction, to know the measure of hypnotic ability they possess. As hypnotisability is a stable construct, identifying its predictors would help to comprehend the individual differences observed in suggestibility (Paulson & Matthews, 2003, p.198). Barber, Spanos and Chaves (1974) proposed that individual differences in ability to respond to hypnosis could be described with the aid of imagination and absorption constructs (Paulson & Matthews, 2003, p.198-199). Absorption is termed as an individual’s characteristic, which encompasses openness, to experience changes in cognitive and emotional, state over a range of circumstances (Milling, Kirsch & Burgess, 2000, p.32). It is the capacity for self altering attention that is considered to be a significant component of hypnotisability (Green & Lynn, 2008, p.156). Highly susceptible individuals, on measures of absorption, are believed to get involved in a variety of imaginative practices (Milling, Kirsh & Burgess, 2000, p.32). Another

Monday, September 23, 2019

Literature Review on Nursing Home Quality Essay

Literature Review on Nursing Home Quality - Essay Example This website contains a study on quality improvement programs in nursing homes in various states. The site claims that the purpose of this "study is to inform state and federal policymakers about state-initiated quality improvement programs, with the particular goal of providing information to states that may wish to develop similar programs in their state." An independent site that provides information on various medical facilities including nursing homes. The site contains information on quality efforts by IPRO in the state of New York alone. The site claims that "IPRO has entered into the 8th Scope of Work (SOW) as the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for New York State. IPRO's Nursing Home Quality Improvement (NHQI) team works with nursing homes throughout the state to help improve the quality of care for nursing home residents by providing facilities with complimentary clinical resources, quality improvement materials, and, where indicated or requested, 1:1 technical support." This site provides legal information concerning nursing homes in the US. The site deals particularly with the NURSING HOME REFORM ACT OF 1987 and any information pertaining to that can be accessed on this site. It is an excellent site containing important information on elderly abuse in nursing homes. This site helps consumers identify signs of elderly abuse and directs them to seek legal help in their states. This article addreArticles The Extent of Quality Improvement Activities in Nursing Homes -- Lee and Wendling 19 (6): 255 -- American Journal of Medical Quality This article addresses the problem of quality of nursing home care, which it recognizes as a cause of concern. The article discusses in detail the Nursing Home Quality Initiative launched by the federal government, which is meant to improve quality (QI). In order to assess the effectiveness of this initiative, the article examines the preparation done for the implementation of QI. The data comes from surveys of two Kansas nursing homes and it is found that most answers are

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psychology For Social Care Practice Essay Example for Free

Psychology For Social Care Practice Essay This essay will demonstrate my understanding of developments which occur at each stage of an individuals life cycle. I will relate these developments to two relevant psychological theories and discuss how an individuals needs must be met to enable them to develop. The human life cycle can be broken down into 5 basic stages (Bingham et al. 2009); Infancy 0-2 years Childhood 2-12 years Adolescence 12-21 years Adulthood 21-65 years Older Adulthood 65+ years During each stage of the life cycle, different physical, emotional, cognitive, social and cultural developments occur; In infancy, physical changes include learning to sit up, crawl and walk independently. At this stage, the infant will begin to look for attention from others and seek affection and love. Infants are able to interact with others by smiling/laughing and crying, and begin to form attachments to main care givers such as family members from around 6 months. Fine motor skills and communication skills (understanding and formation of words) develop rapidly in infancy and individuals will become used to the routines and norms of those around them. In childhood, physical development extends to skills in balance and control over the body. Emotionally, the child will continue to strengthen bonds with primary care givers and social development will move on to interactive play and forming friendships. Language and expression develop further and the child shows a capacity to learn new information and skills as well as learning about and conforming to social and cultural norms. The body begins to change significantly in adolescence; the individual will go through puberty. An adolescent will be more self aware than in childhood and will become detached from primary care givers, instead preferring to form closer relationships with friends and peers. The individual will form stronger affiliations to certain cultural and sub-cultural norms and will express these through personal appearance, partaking in activities and choosing certain peer groups. In early adulthood, the individual will reach a peak of physical fitness which they will thereafter have to work at to maintain. More physical demands are made on the body such as childbearing, work and aging. Emotionally, a person  in adulthood will have established a role possibly in their place of work, or at home as a parent- how effectively they fill their role can effect self esteem. Social development can become limited to those with similar careers or interests and can be hindered by other responsibilities s uch as work and family commitments. Older adults may experience a decline in physical fitness eyesight may deteriorate and the body may become weaker. Some individuals may remain fairly fit well into older adulthood and some may find that physical fitness can deteriorate rapidly. Older adulthood can be isolating and ones self image can be altered through changing of roles eg. retirement. Socially, some find a sense of freedom in being able to leave work behind and live, others lose a sense of purpose and find that their world may become smaller and more family focused. Older adults will have a well established perception of themselves and what they find acceptable as part of their culture. For this essay I have used Mrs. Oswald as a case study. Mrs. Oswald is a resident at Thorneycroft residential care home for older people. She has been a resident at Thorneycroft for six months and at ninety-five years old, is in the final stage of development as detailed in the life cycle breakdown above. Mrs. Oswald is relatively able bodied, she is able to bathe herself but requires help getting in and out of the bath. She is able to move around independently, she does have a tripod to help her with this but she doesnt tend to use it. She is prone to falling over and has fallen fifteen times since moving to Thorneycroft, this is not helped by her insomnia which leaves her restless at night so she ends up wandering around unattended. Mrs. Oswald is hard of hearing and requires a hearing aid but her eyesight is good when wearing her glasses. She has a good level of personal hygiene and takes pride in her appearance. Before coming to Thorneycroft she had home help who assisted her with household tasks such as cooking and housework and helped her with medication for her cellulitis. Mrs. Oswald was a midwife for fifty years, she is well educated and enjoys sharing her knowledge and talking about her career. She keeps her mind active by reading the newspaper, doing crossword puzzles and playing dominoes when she goes to the day centre but it is possible that these activities are not stimulating enough fo r her. She is a little confused at times about her roles; she behaves as though Thorneycroft staff are her employees and adopts a matron-like attitude with them, which probably  crosses over from her role in her career as a midwife. She can be forgetful but does not have dementia and before moving to Thorneycroft was quite vulnerable as she sees the best in people and was being exploited by people doing odd jobs and coming in and out of her home. Mrs. Oswald appears to be content on the surface, she has started to accept death and talks about it openly. Her remaining family all live some distance away in England but she looks forward to a phonecall from her cousin each evening and seems to take comfort in speaking to him, appearing more settled after their conversations. She has outlived her close family husband and daughters and appears lonely. Mrs. Oswald doesnt talk much about her husband an daughters the way she does about her career, it is possible that talking about them makes her feel sad. As before, Mrs. Oswald has not made friends with other residents of Thorneycroft, though she has made a few friends at the daycentre. She likes to talk and could be encouraged to mix more which would help with her feel ings of loneliness, she never had friends or visitors at home before she came to Thorneycroft as her family all live far away and only visit to attend review meetings every six months. She has not formed close relationships with staff at Thorneycroft, instead, as mentioned before she treats them as her employees. Mrs. Oswald is an articulate and well spoken individual who has come from a middle class background. She appears to be well educated and has had a successful career as a midwife spanning fifty years. She had her daughters when she was young and out of wedlock, as a result they were brought up by her mother and Mrs. Oswald left at sixteen to begin her training as a midwife. Her career was important to her and she concentrated on this, not having any more children and marrying late in life. Her middle class upbringing has followed her through life, and she still takes pride in her appearance and has a strong sense of what she believes to be proper. Her husband and her enjoyed going on cruises and she is well- travelled. She does not attend church services or appear to be religious at all. In order for them to progress successfully through each stage in the life cycle, an individuals needs at each stage must be met. For example, our most basic physical needs are shelter and nourishment, if these needs are not met in the infant stage, potential for development and progression into childhood will be threatened. For each aspect of development, certain needs must be met; Physical The body must be kept fit and healthy through nourishment, shelter from the elements and the cold, excercise and rest. Emotional The need to be loved and to feel love for others. Good self esteem can be established from feeling loved and wanted by others. Social Being able to interact and build relationships with people around you. Cognitive The need for opportunities to learn and develop knowledge and keep the mind active. Cultural Having your values, religion, diet, language etc.(norms) as part of your daily life. In order for me to understand the needs of Mrs. Oswald and to what extent her needs have been met throughout her life, I examined Erik Eriksons theory of eight psychosocial stages. Erikson believed that humans develop through eight predetermined stages (a detailed table of these can be found in appendix 1) and in order to progress successfully through life, we must successfully negotiate each stage and that failure to do so results in mental deficiencies suc h as lack of trust, which will remain with us throughout life (Collin et al., p. 273). Each stage has one positive outcome and one negative outcome, and individuals progress through each life stage with a mixture of both, the differences between positive and negative being a result of the environment the individual is developing in. Mrs. Oswald, as an adolescent, would have experienced role confusion. She was from a middle class background but fell pregnant at a young age, resulting in her being hidden away and her mother raising her children as her own. It would have gone against Mrs. Oswalds role as a respectable young girl to have children at such a young age. She went off to train as a midwife at sixteen and left her family and her daughters behind. She concentrated on her career and appeared not to have any intimacy throughout young adulthood. This was resolved in mature adulthood when Mrs. Oswald got married and enjoyed the intimacy which she had missed out on in young adulthood. She never had any more children but her husband nd her appeared to have a happy life and they enjoyed travelling together. Mrs. Oswald is now in maturity and has begun to talk about death in an accepting way. Her needs may not have been met in the early stages of her life where she did not conform to her role in society and her life lacked intimacy, but later in life she had a successful and satisfying career and a happy marriage. I have used Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (see appendix 2) to assess how  Mrs. Oswalds needs are being met now. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs starts at the basic physiological needs we need just to stay alive. Once these are made we have a need for safety, then we want love and affection. Within our group we want to have self esteem. Finally we have a need of satisfying our full potential that Maslow calls Self Actualization (Deeper Mind). Maslow believed that ones needs had to be met at each stage of the hierarchy before the needs at the next stage could be attended to. The first category in Maslows hierarchy refers to physiological needs. I believe that most of Mrs. Oswalds needs are being met at this level. She has plenty to eat and drink and since she is mobile she has some level of excercise. She can have fresh air and she has warmth and shelter. However, Mrs. Oswalds need for sleep is not being met at Thorneycroft. She suffers from insomnia which is not helped by the fact that her bed is too small and therefore uncomfortable for her to sleep in. This has resulted in her being reluctant to settle in bed at night at all, so she is losing out on sleep. As a result of all her physiological needs not being met, all of Mrs. Oswalds safety needs are not being met either. Although she has shelter and security at Thorneycroft, the fact that she does not sleep has compromised her safety as she has a tendency to wander around at night time and is prone to falling as her mobility is not great. Mrs. Oswald appears sad that she has outlived her close family and her husband and doesnt speak about them much. She does have some distant family whom she speaks with on the phone every night which brings her some comfort, but she remains distant with others and reluctant to form close relationships with staff or fellow residents. Her need for love and belonging has not been satisfied. In order for Mrs. Oswald to progress and reach self actualisation the care staff at Thorneycroft must work on the needs which are not being met. Getting her a bed which is comfortable for her to sleep in may help her to settle at night and reduce the risk of a fall. She could be encouraged to mix more with fellow residents and form closer relationships with them as well as staff. This will help with Mrs. Oswalds sense of love and belonging and boost her self-esteem which will help her to reach self actualisation. References BBC (2014) BBC News Magazine. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 13/11/2014] BINGHAM, E. et al (2009) HNC Social Care for Scotland. 12th Ed. Essex: Heinemann. COLLIN, C. et al (2012) The Psychology Book. London: DK London. MACLEOD, S. (2011) Simply Psychology. [Online] Available form : [Accessed 11/11/2014]. NORWOOD, G. (2014) Deeper Mind. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 11/11/2014]

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Suffering In The Christian Life Theology Religion Essay

The Suffering In The Christian Life Theology Religion Essay In 1 Corinthians 13 verses 1-3 we are told that, even if we were given to give all the possessions to feed the poor unless we love have love we are nothing and have gained nothing. Even if we give our bodies to be burned, its profits us nothing without love. Every area of service to others is sacrificial. It entails the use of money, time, energy and perhaps even the loosing of life itself. Paul was so motivated by love that he she could wish himself accursed for the sake of his fellow Israelites. Suffering in the Christian Life One of the most widespread ideas in our land today about the Christian suffering is that we should be able to change people by our activities. The thinking is apparently this if young people are given the right upbringing, in good homes, as members of the good church, then all will be well. They will grow up to be good people. And we must agree that a good upbringing is a tremendous start in life in dealing the suffering. But the problem with that idea of the Church activities is that often does not work out in practice. In spite of the entire fine teaching they have had, they have gone right off the rails in time of suffering and trails. Our Christian faith involves far more than the good church activities, however commendable those activities might be. The very different misunderstanding about Christianity faith, is that you can escape from the evil bias inside you which makes you break the rules and disregard Gods commandments, by retreating into a safe hiding place. I know what immediately springs to mind. Some think at once of the monks in their monasteries. Alright, I agree that monasteries were invented to try and escape from the moral pollution and temptations of the world. The heart of the problem is the problem of our hearts, your heart and my heart. And this why Paul writes, Be strong in the Lord, and his mighty power. You and I do need something else, we need a dynamic extra in our lives to face the suffering in our Christian life. The Reality of Suffering as the Christians Respond The letter to the Ephesians is like that. There is no need to try and guess what Paul means by Gods mighty power. If you read through the letter you will find Gods mighty power looking out at you from the words again and again. There are two extremes which you and I must avoid. On the other hand, there are people who say that to be a strong Christian, to be strong in the Lord; you must simply have a positive attitude to life. Then you will be strong in the Lord but that leaves out God completely. Plenty of people take that line. Many of them are fine people and live reasonably good lives. But god power does not feature in their living. They may be being strong but they are not being strong in the lord, and in his mighty power. If you have certain experience of the Holy Spirit, then you will find you can overcome all your problems. God will fight the battle for you. Just hand yourself over to him, and all will be well. The bible never tells us that life will be easy if we hand ourselv es over to God, or that all battles will be won without our exerting ourselves. How much is my strength, my will power, my effort, in me fighting wrong, and how much it is Gods might, in my fight against wrong? If we answer, the Lord Jesus Christ was both man and God. He was perfectly human, and yet truly divine. His two nature blended in such a way that those who spoke with Christ were speaking with a real man, yet those who came and knelt before him were kneeling before the Lord God. Christian in order to be strong in the Lord , have to realise that two natures are going to be at work in them. On the other hand we have to exert our human all our human power to resist evil and to follow Christ. On the other hand, we can only do this because the divine spirit is at work in us. The human and the divine blend together mysteriously in all we do when we are Christians. The Need for Perspective Paul commanded here to be stronger and to be stronger in the Lord. There is one more thing we must notice before we moved on to being equipped with the armour of God in time of suffering. If we are not growing spiritually stronger, then we must be dead spirituality. Stronger in Christ at home, work or at college, stronger in him at the church, stronger in him in your street. This will make stronger in our Christian faith when we face the suffering on this earth. This faith in our suffering will surely advance if more of us were growing stronger in the Lord, both in our activities within the church and in our living outside it. The people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits. When you and I know God and remember that in order to understand what it means to be strong in the Lord we began in Ephesians 1, nothing the acts of God, Father, on and Holy Spirit, on our behalf, when we know our God, that we cannot help but be encouraged and so grow stronger in the Lord. The Lord encouragement is the great gift. In the dark days of the last war, when everything seemed lost, Churchill would speak on the radio, and the sound of his voice would put heart into the whole nation. Nothing has changed. The outlook was still desperate. But just Churchill speaking brought encouragement. How much more about God speaks those who know God shall be strong and do great exploits. We must grow stronger by feeding upon Christ. By exercising, that is, by constantly using his Holy Word. and by encouraging ourselves in God. That is how his mighty power will increase in us as we give him everything we have, holding nothing back. Paul is about to unfold to us the secret of victory in the battle against evil powers. Some churches think they have succeeded just by staying open for another year. But victory is when we face all Satan powers, and we are not bowed, but stand firm. To do that, we actually need more than only to be strong in the Lord, and his mighty power. We need protection because at our very strongest, you and I are weak. Satan knows all our weak points, even when we are strong. And even the strongest man and women needs to put on the whole armour of God. Think of many great Old Testament characters such as Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samson, David, Elijah. At some point in their lives they all failed and fell, with consequent pain and suffering to themselves and many others. Every one of them, though they were truly might men. Suffering of Theology in the Church of Oprah Winfrey Ms Winfreys used of her Christian heritage in defining suffering. In one of her show time might be something of a false teaching. She said about suffering that her theology of self- help experts believes that suffering being beneficial. She turned the blacks church ethos into the exaltation of suffering itself into the face of suffering. According to her by making all experiences of suffering into occasion to improve oneself which she means that suffering can be a desirable experience. Her teachings suggest that strong women by their own will and of therapy transcend failure. As her teaching suggested that the people are the only themselves to blame for tier own misery Conclusion. The picture is of someone who is strong in the Lord, joyful, true and faithful to the saviour. There may be a strong Christian, but without the full armour of God, he is in mortal danger, for all his courage and joy in Christ. The bible warns us that the devil goes about like a roaring lion, ready to devour the unwary, unguarded Christian (1 Peter 5:8). Lovely Christian people serving Christ enthusiastically, but suddenly knocked on the back of the head with one swipe of the devils horny hand, and so sent reeling, crashing to the ground. Put on the full armour of God. Paul repeats it in verse13: Therefore put the full armour of God. Without it, we will most certainly fall. But with it, by Gods grace, we can stand firm. Gods will for us is that we should be more than conquerors, victorious in the fight so he may help us all. And here is perhaps the most encouraging truth of all. When we put the armour of God that is completely honesty, righteousness that is holy living, peace that is the testimony of changed lives. His great strength is with us as the attack begins and in this fight , he never leaves our side, but is always there. That is why we can be victorious and withstand in the evil day. That must be our aim to stand our ground , and after we have done all to stand. I personally believe that suffering in Christian living is important as it makes our own faith and walk closer with God. It just remind that someone there where we can trust where we can share our suffering as we going through. Suffering reminds us about the God own love, how he has gone through when he was on this earth. As the bible talks that those who follow Christ, has to suffer temporary then the reward is in heaven when we pass this earthy life. It just reminds our own life and even our own faith, how much we are closer to our saviour. I personally believe that the follower of Christ who are not suffering in this world should ask question within themselves are they really following Christ or just n name sake. Suffering bring the true glory to Christ as it reminds us about the love of Christ on the cross which he has paid for our sins.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analysis of Google :: Internet Search Engines Technology Essays

Analysis of Google Google is a play on the word googol, which was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, "Mathematics and the Imagination" by Kasner and James Newman. It refers to the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. Google's use of the term reflects the company's mission to organize the immense, seemingly infinite amount of information available on the web. Back before Google? Aye, there's the Rub. According to Google lore, company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were not terribly fond of each other when they first met as Stanford University graduate students in computer science in 1995. Larry was a 24-year-old University of Michigan alumnus on a weekend visit; Sergey, 23, was among a group of students assigned to show him around. They argued about every topic they discussed. Their strong opinions and divergent viewpoints would eventually find common ground in a unique approach to solving one of computing's biggest challenges: retrieving relevant information from a massive set of data. By January of 1996, Larry and Sergey had begun collaboration on a search engine called BackRub, named for its unique ability to analyze the "back links" pointing to a given website. Larry, who had always enjoyed tinkering with machinery and had gained some notoriety for building a working printer out of Legoâ„ ¢, took on the task of creating a new kind of server environment that used low-end PCs instead of big expensive machines. Afflicted by the perennial shortage of cash common to graduate students everywhere, the pair took to haunting the department's loading docks in hopes of tracking down newly arrived computers that they could borrow for their network. A year later, their unique approach to link analysis was earning BackRub a growing reputation among those who had seen it. Buzz about the new search technology began to build as word spread around campus. The search for a buyer Larry and Sergey continued working to perfect their technology through the first half of 1998. Following a path that would become a key tenet of the Google way, they bought a terabyte of disks at bargain prices and built their own computer housings in Larry's dorm room, which became Google's first data center. Meanwhile Sergey set up a business office, and the two began calling on potential partners who might want to license a search technology better than any then available.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Child Development Through Education Essay -- School Teaching Education

Child Development Through Education One important aspect of any person’s life is their education. Children start with their education as early as the age of three. They are put into some form of schooling. The general pattern of schooling for all children is preschool, elementary school, middle school, highschool, and some may choose to go on to college. Each level of schooling is very important for its own particular reasons. The entire education process plays a vital role in each individual’s life. People grow emotionally, socially, psychologically, and intellectually throughout their childhood and adolescent years. Factors that lead to this are their enrollment in school, the people they come in contact with through school and the success they achieve over the years. Each level of education will be examined and the development of a child through each of these stages will be further explained. Children can be labeled the term preschoolers when they are between the ages of three and five. Even though they still seem like babies, this is a time when all young children are most rapidly growing and going through many changes in all areas of development. Most motor skills are mastered. They start to cognitively understand classes and relationships. They absorb an abundant amount of information about their social and physical worlds. At the early childhood stage, the cognitive development is language acquisition. This involves both oral and written communication. Physical development is of large and small muscle groups. Large muscle development is the development of motor skills such as running or throwing, which involve the limbs and large muscles (Slavin). Small muscle development is the development of dexteri... ...wer kids show up late for class (Hopkings). With all this information documented it shows the true importance of parent involvement in education. The more involved the parents are, the better off each child will be. Throughout the years spent in schooling, a lot of changes occur. The development process is particular for the many stages throughout one’s education. Each level builds on developments from the previous level. Support from family, friends, teachers and fellow classmates is needed for the proper development of each individual. Because this process takes up much of your childhood and early adult life, it makes it even more important to get off to a good start at a young age. Each child should be given the opportunity to go to preschool and continue through high school. Support is needed all the way through in order to reach success.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Anti-Free Speech Movement on Americas College Campuses

The Anti-Free Speech Movement on America's College Campuses The nation's leftists, whether in academia or the news media tout themselves as advocates of free speech. Back in 1964, it was Mario Savio a campus leftist who led the Free Speech Movement at the Berkeley campus of the University of California, a movement that without question played a vital role in placing American universities center stage in the flow of political ideas no matter how controversial, unpatriotic and vulgar. From the Nazis to the Stalinists leftists have always supported free speech rights, at least initially. Why? Because speech is important for the realization of leftist goals of command and control. People must be propagandized, proselytized and convinced. However, once the leftists are in power, as they are in most universities, free speech becomes a liability and must be suppressed. This is increasingly the case on college campuses and even finds its way into the work place. West Virginia University's student handbook reads in part: "Individuals or organizations may utilize designated free speech areas on a first-come, first-served basis without making reservations." Adding, ". . .the two designated areas for free speech and assembly will be the amphitheater area of the Mountainlair plaza and the concrete stage area in front of the Mountainlair and adjacent to the WVU Bookstore." In other words, 99 percent of West Virginia's campus was made into a censorship zone. This Nazi-Stalinist-like policy did not last long. The Philadelphia-based Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) began a campaign of public exposure and the Charlottesville, Virginia-based Rutherford Institute brought suit. This persuaded West Virginia University... ...nese, Jewish, African or Arab and hold Western values. It's no accident that western values of reason and individual rights have produced unprecedented health, life expectancy, wealth and comfort for the ordinary person. There's an indisputable positive relationship between liberty and standards of living. Western values are by no means secure. They are under ruthless attack by the academic elite on college campuses across America. These people want to replace personal liberty with government control; they want to replace equality with entitlement; they want to halt progress in the name of protecting the environment. As such they pose a much greater threat to our way of life than any terrorist or rogue nation. Multiculturalism and diversity are a cancer on our society and ironically, with our tax dollars and charitable donations to universities, we're feeding it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Beh Final Project

Interview profile Interview profile Description of Interviewee Name: Irina Dinova Age: 26 Race: Asian Marital Status: Married with two children Irina is a 26 years Old Russian female; she is my sister- in-law, who I knew nine years ago after she married my brother. She has two children, and she works in retail as an overnight stocker. I had interviewed Irina on 11/30/2012 at 3:00 PM, by asking her multiple questions. The interview was as follows: 1. Do you remember information accurately by observing how a behavior is performed or read about how the behavior is performed?Irina rather to learn from observing the behavior, she said that her behavior turned from good to bad, when she started socializing with a group of Indian girls at college. She observed them smoking, drinking, and even cheating on their men. As a result, Irina started smoking, drinking, and having multiple boyfriends. Now, Irina is addicted to smoking, and drinking caused by vicarious reinforcement and those were her Indian friends at college, who she does not socialize with now. Irina likewise shared another story which she learned from punishment.After she had gotten married at a young age (18 years old), she had conflict with the husband that resulted on their separation. She rented her own house along with her child, and had a strong friendship with an African American guy. Time pass and her relationship with her husband started establishing, but one day she was observed by her husband in the house with her friend. The husband automatically misunderstood and misjudged Irina, as he even wanted to suicide afterwards. After the incident, the husband had been admitted into the mental hospital for attempting to suicide.After a month, she got back with the husband, and as a result of her husband negative behavior and attitude toward the friendship with a man, she learned to avoid the possibility of a punishing consequence (avoidance training), by not making a friendship with a man. In the other h and, Irina did not like the way she learned through the above experience as it will be an unforgotten implicit memory because it had caused anxiety, embarrassment, and stress, instead she prefers to learn through operant conditioning (Irina Dinova, personal communication, November 30, 2012). 2.Do you prefer studying at the library, or at home with noisy background and distraction? Irina said that she prefers learning in the library instead home with a noisy backgrounds and distraction. She mentioned that her attention is fully active while studying in a the library, which is a quiet place, but where there is a distraction, her attention drops to a lower level, as she does not remembers the material studied. Irina remembers information more accurately without any distraction that unable the information to be stored in the long term memory after rehearsed and stored by the short term memory (University of Phoenix, 2010).One thing she mentioned that she does forget some information bec ause of proactive interference. Definitely, information related to her culture, tradition, and religion will be remembered for life (Irina Dinova, personal communication, November 30, 2012). 3. Are you willing to take the Myers Briggs test and report the results? If so, do you think the results are accurate? Why or why not? Irina had taken the Myers Briggs test, and her results were ESTJ (Extroverted, Sensing.Thinking, Judging), and it stated that she is very responsible and pillar of strength (University of Phoenix, 2010). Irina agreed to the results of the test and she said that she had used logic, or compensatory model to make a decision on the answer that best describe her personality. Furthermore, she found the test reliable, stable and valid, and these are her second time taking it, as she took the test before in 2010 with the same results. Besides, she is always been described that way by her family and friends (Irina Dinova, personal communication, November 30, 2012). . What are the experiences do you think had contributed most in the growth of your personality? Irina thinks that personal unconscious of negative and positive life experiences, collective unconscious from diversity, and unconditional positive regard (University of Phoenix, 2010), by the husband had contributed the most in the growth of her personality. She also believe that her own believe of principles, and been a natural leader had contributed to the development of her personality as well.Additionally, Irina personality grew through socializing with group of people, harsh life experiences, involvement on her husband’s culture, and life responsibilities, like her two children and husband (Irina Dinova, personal communication, November 30, 2012). 5. Do you feel that you are self-monitoring in regards of your attitude? Irina mentioned that she has low-self-monitors in regard (University of Phoenix, 2010) of her attitude. She said that she display sensitive controls congruent with h er own internal states such as attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions.She fails to control her negative attitude, and she has to respond in that particular moment or it will be very disturbance for a while (Irina Dinova, personal communication, November 30, 2012). 6. What do you feel was the strongest influence on your attitude? The strongest influence on Irina’s’ attitude will be her parents. Irina blames her parents for her negative attitude because she was mentally and physically abused while she was a child, but she refuses to abuse her children.I have to agree with Irina, when she said that punishment is a better way to rise up your children, not abuse. Another strongest influence of her positive attitude will be her husband. She mentioned that her husband kindness, caress, and forgiveness had motivated her to change her life for better, by focusing more on her family, and peruse an education, by obtaining a career on arts (Irina Dinova, personal communication, Nove mber 30, 2012). 7. What role do you think of a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play when performing that person’s personality and attitudes?Irina believes that a person’s race, gender, or ethnicity play a role in forming someone’s’ personality and attitude. She said that she had never experienced prejudice and discrimination until she had immigrated to the Unites States. She said that she was prejudiced and discriminated (University of Phoenix, 2010). at school, by a group of African Americans, and they called her names like â€Å" Russian girl† and say unpleasant words to her e. g â€Å" we are not in Russia†, â€Å" go back to Russia†, or â€Å" speak English†.Additionally, she was stereotype by her husband, as he said to her that her duties, as a married woman is to clean, cook, and raise the children, but she did not respect that opinion because in the U. S. culture a woman can work and be involved in business. T hus, she believes that a person’s personality and attitude solely depend on the culture, norms. Irina’s’ culture differs from her husband, as they are both from different countries. Irina’s husband is Algerian and has its own culture norm, values, and believe, which differ from Irina.For instance in Irina’s husband culture: a woman is prohibited to drink alcohol, or smoke, while in Irina’s’ culture is verse versa. As a result, many negative attitudes formed, in both Irina and her husband, caused by culture conflicts. Another culture conflict between Irina and her husband was circumcising her baby boy. In Irina’s culture, they do not circumcise, while in her husband’s culture, they circumcise the child after he turns four years old, which will be a big party celebration.Irina had refused to make her husbands’’ wish come true, which had formed a negative attitude from the situation in both Irina and her husba nd. She said that her husband still insisting and he will not let it go because it was something he was looking forward too, but Irina does not believe in circumcising, as she said that she will never allow it (Irina Dinova, personal communication, November 30, 2012). 8. Do you find yourself better at tasks when intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated? Irina said that she is definitely motivated extrinsically (University of Phoenix, 2010) better in most cases.However, she can also work on proprieties tasks without been extrinsically motivated. Conversely, in Irina’s words: â€Å"new things get old fast, I’m always searching for new motivations and thinking of new ways to accomplish my tasks. † (Personal communication, 11/30/2012). She also said that she hates her job, but she extrinsically motivated because of the money that will be earned. Irina referred to when she was six years old, her parents used rewards, when she obtains an A at school, but she gets punished when she obtains a lower grade.She said that the rewards and punishment had motivated her to always seek an A grade at school, and nothing less (Irina Dinova, personal communication, November 30, 2012). In conclusion, I have to say that the interview with Irina has been such a wonderful experience. It had helped me to study and learn others behavior causes like personality and attitude, by implementing information learned throughout the course materials. Irina was very patient, comfortable, open, and honest during the interview process. Therefore, I am convinced that all her answers were accurate.References University of Phoenix. (2010). Cognition and Mental Abilities. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BEH/225 website University of Phoenix. (2010). Memory. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BEH/225 website University of Phoenix. (2010). Motivation and Emotion. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BEH/225 website University of Phoenix. (2010). Personality. Retr ieved from University of Phoenix, BEH/225 website University of Phoenix. (2010). Social Psychology. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BEH/225 website

Monday, September 16, 2019

Functionalist Perspective Essay

My favorite perspective in sociology was learning about the functionalist perspective aka functionalism. I do know that it is one of the major concept theories and perspectives in sociology. From class we learned about Emile Durkheim’s interest in this theory on how social order is possible on how society remains relatively stable through functionalism. â€Å"Functionalism does interpret every part of society on how it all contributes to the stability and the survival of society†. I guess the reason why I liked the study of functionalism is for the same reason why I like to be a functional person, I love for there to be order and I believe that everybody plays a role in that sense, either they know they are playing that part unknowingly or they do know and they are part of the order. I cannot stand for dysfunctional people especially when it can have a negative impact on a group or society. For example some of the TV shows out there like the Simpsons, family guy, two an d a half men show our children how to grow up in such a family with the understanding that such a manner that being dysfunctional is normal but it’s not. Dysfunctional families carry it on to their kids and people they are around, this can be a direct result of their parents and may also be affected by addictions, such as substance abuse like drugs and alcohol. I have seen this all my life and it just kills me to be around it, not to mention everyone that knew who has been through it always make it out alive normal. I have never liked conflict so the conflict theory goes out the window for me, but we all know that there has to be conflict in order for functionalism to work. Ying and yang is how I see the big picture. Without order stability, cohesion, and consensus, or society would be in complete chaos, and we would live in an anarchy society instead of a functional one. Sociology is the study of society, and the social interaction at all variety of levels so where there is functionalism there has to be conflict theorists like Karl Marx who showed us social conflict theories are perspectives of sociology that emphasize the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, that critique the broad socio-political system, or that otherwise detract from structural functionalism and ideological conservatisms. I do have to agree with his work against the capitalist system and how there is a thing called social inequality. Like him I also agree that wealthy and being rich doesn’t always come from hard work through and achieved status, yet it comes from ascribed status. One thing I really  appreciated was in our sociology book always in every chapter they did a break down on all the theories from functionalist, conflict, feminist, and symbolic interactionist. They gave you examples what each perspective looks at compared to the other, and before I took sociology my eyes were totally closed to what I only seen for my perspective. Like when it comes to culture, you know that I ‘am very much into to culture, only because I had an opportunity to travel the world and see all the cultures out there. I can see how generations of culture can be passed down from father to son, or mother to daughter, from grandparents to grandchildren. I only wish that here in the U.S we could have a little more appreciation for keeping the culture real, and maintaining the building blocks of our own culture. I do know that we have a lot of multiculturalism here in the United States, and as a result of that we all can benefit from having this. I know firsthand only because most of us Air Force guys love cultural universals and that is good food. Just outside of my base within a mile strip we are so lucky to have amazing Tai food like (Paw Graw), Vietnamese food (Pho ha), Mexican food (Mexican Kitchen), American food (Toms Burgers), Chinese food (Mr. You’s), Greek food (Mad Greek), Korean Food (Flame Broiler), Japanese foo d (Akinas), I mean we are literally surrounded by multiculturalism and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have to go back to the functionalist way and say that all the culture outside of my base somehow lives off of us, and we live off them. Those citizens and we in the military all have similar beliefs that binds us together and helps with the stability of our city, and my base. Through this food culture I know that it helps to unify us as a society and definitely promotes cultural solidarity. Thank you for having me as a student, and showing me what Sociology is all about, and perhaps I might take your advice and take another advanced class for one my electives. Thank you again Professor Ellington. Reference: EBSCOHOST: Marxist and Functionalist Theories Sociological Theories: A List of Sociological Theories and Frameworks

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Spinal Cord Lesion Problem Solving Health And Social Care Essay

Scenario: A complete transverse spinal cord hurt occurs at degree T11/T12 vertebrae. See the worst instance scenario of complete lesion to turn to the undermentioned issues. A ) Describe which sections of spinal cord will be affected T11/12 lesions ( besides called paraplegia ) cause damage or remotion of the connexion between the Lumbar part and the encephalon. The sections above T11 ( C1-T10 ) will still be able to work decently. The lumbar sections ( Below T12 ) of the spinal cord will non be able to direct sensory signals up towards the encephalon through the white affair in the spinal cord, ensuing in deficiency of sensitiveness in that part. Descending piece of lands are besides damaged ; this consequences in loss of musculus control in that part because the encephalon can non direct encephalon signals. # Then comparison and contrast at 1 twenty-four hours and at 100 yearss after the hurt the followers: B ) loss of sensitiveness After a twenty-four hours of the hurt the patient will non hold any centripetal abilities from the legs. This is because the go uping centripetal signals can non be sent towards the encephalon. After 100 there will be no alteration from twenty-four hours 1. C ) musculus map The harm caused by the lesion does non let the musculus to work decently. Day 1 the patient will non experience anything and his encephalon can non direct signals to the musculuss leting controlled motion of the legs. After Day 100 the patient s leg will hold a decreased musculus tone compared to Day 1. The patient may besides see uncontrolled spastic physiological reactions ( explained underneath ) . D ) leg physiological reactions After the lesion occurs on the spinal cord, the spinal cord goes into spinal daze, all of the leg musculuss innervated bu the lumbar part below T12 become flaccid. 100 yearss after the incident, the patient might get down to acquire spastic physiological reactions. Compared to twenty-four hours 1 the spinal daze disables the automatic discharge in the spinal cord but in twenty-four hours 100 the physiological reaction discharge activates. However because of the harm, the centripetal signals do non go to the encephalon to let voluntary control from the encephalon, the signals merely travel in the automatic Ark below the site of harm this causes the spastic physiological reactions. Tocopherol ) continency Smooth musculus map is besides affected. The control of the vesica and sphincters which allow micturition will be impaired. T12 flat lesions cause flaccid vesicas, this is when patient will non be able to state when the vesica is full and can take to pulling of the vesica. At twenty-four hours one the patient will non be able to experience when their vesica is full, they will necessitate aid from the physician who will besides prove them and take the patients through a bladder direction plan. After 100 yearss the patient will be used to cognizing the clip when they are required to empty their vesicas due to following the bladder direction plan. This essay counts towards the concluding twelvemonth test. A upper limit of 10 % is available from this study. Maximum reply length one A4 page. Pay attending that you understand what people in wheelchairs experience. Announced 11.2.2011 Deadline for entry: 4th March 2011. To be handed in to Teaching Office- Harborne BuildingSpinal Cord Lesion: Problem Solving AssignmentSpinal cord hurt is when the spinal cord is damaged to an extent that its communicating with the encephalon is either impaired or removed. The most common causes of spinal cord hurt is through injury ( falls, auto accidents etc ) or diseases such as infantile paralysis. Overtime gilal cicatrixs incorporating astrocytes and macrophages start to develop. Glial cicatrixs besides contain chondoitin sulfate proteoglycans which inhibits the regeneration of axons forestalling the aa‚ ¬E?rewiringaa‚ ¬a„? of the nervousnesss in the spinal cord ( Bradbury et al 2001 ) Patients enduring from complete cross spinal cord T11/12 lesions ( besides called paraplegia ) will lose their connexion between the Lumbar part of the spinal cord and the encephalon, nevertheless the sections above T11 ( C1-T10 ) will still be able to work decently. The deficiency of communicating will forestall the lumbar sections ( Below T12 ) from directing sensory signals up towards the encephalon through the white affair in the spinal cord, ensuing in deficiency of sensitiveness in that part. Descending piece of lands are besides damaged ; this consequences in loss of musculus control in that part because the encephalon can non direct signals to the motor neurones. After a twenty-four hours of the hurt the patient will non be able to direct go uping centripetal signals towards the encephalon, this means that they will non hold any centripetal abilities from the legs, the sense of hurting is included. Blood flow is besides affected, the sympathetic tracts of the fringe system will non be able to increase blood flow of the arterias in the legs, and this affects the overall blood force per unit area of the organic structure. At twenty-four hours one the patient may still be in spinal daze and his encephalon would n't be able to have and centripetal information from his legs, unluckily The harm caused by the lesion does non let the musculus to work decently. At Day 1 the patient will non be able to voluntarily travel the musculuss controlled by the lumbar part. This causes complications with blood flow because the musculuss in the leg can non impel the deoxygenated blood against the force of gravitation through the vena. This plus the deficiency of sympathetic stimulation may take to ischemia. After Day 100 the patient s leg will hold a decreased musculus tone compared to Day 1 due to miss of musculus motion. The patient nevertheless may still be able to walk utilizing abdominal musculuss to travel the legs and either braces or clasps for support. During spinal daze, all of the leg musculuss innervated below T12 become flaccid. During twenty-four hours 1 the spinal daze will disenable the automatic discharge in the spinal cord but during twenty-four hours 100 ( after the daze ends ) the automatic discharge activates and the patient might get down to acquire spastic physiological reactions. The spastic physiological reactions are caused because action potencies reflex discharges are activated Smooth musculus map is besides affected. The control of the vesica and sphincters which allow micturition will be impaired. T12 flat lesions cause flaccid vesicas, this is when patient will non be able to state when the vesica is full and can take to pulling of the vesica. At twenty-four hours one the patient will non be able to experience when their vesica is full, they will necessitate aid from the physician who will besides prove them and take the patients through a bladder direction plan. After 100 yearss the patient will be used to cognizing the clip when they are required to empty their vesicas due to following the bladder direction plan. There are still overall alterations that the patient will hold to travel through. There are medicines that are available to assist patients get by with their state of affairs such as Muscle relaxants ( baclofen, Flexeril, Valium Etc ) and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to handle hurting. The patient will besides hold to set their life style because they will be utilizing a wheel chair Bradbury, E. J. , L. D. F. Moon, et Al. ( 2002 ) . â€Å" Chondroitinase ABC promotes functional recovery after spinal cord hurt. † Nature 416 ( 6881 ) : 636-640. McLachlan, E. M. and J. A. Brock ( 2006 ) . Adaptations of peripheral vasoconstrictive tracts after spinal cord hurt. Advancement in Brain Research. C. W. Lynne and P. Canio, Elsevier. Volume 152: 289-297. mimushasho4ever, Nacho ‘s accident T11-T12 Com, Jul 21, 2010, Online picture cartridge holder, Youtube, Accessed: 01 March 2010

Saturday, September 14, 2019

What are the purpose of having your school clean Essay

If your school is clean, there is a motivation for students to be clean, even if they are naturally messy at home, school is a play where you learn things. You pick up good habits. Students can learn cleanliness in their schools and bring the idea of cleanliness to their homes. Having a school clean also prevents unknown illnesses from floating throughout the entire school making almost everyone contagious. There’s less room for illness and more room for learning. Having a clean school also encourages students to actually attend that school. I wouldn’t be encouraged to go to a filthy school. I would either want to transfer to another school or just stay home. When the school is clean, students will know that they are unique and special enough to be given the chance to attend such a clean school and they will want to do all they can, including being good students, to remain in that clean environment. Students will be inspired to learn. Teachers will also be more inspired to teach. When they come into a clean school, their spirits will be lifted, and they can spread that spirited attitude amongst their students. Keeping school buildings, floors and facilities clean is essential for health and the positive image of your institution. Schools are designed for teaching and learning. Clean, nice-looking facilities are a key component to a learning environment. If your school is clean, there is a motivation for students to be clean, even if they are naturally messy at home, school is a play where you learn things. You pick up good habits. Students can learn cleanliness in their schools and bring the idea of cleanliness to their homes. Having a school clean also prevents unknown illnesses from floating throughout the entire school making almost everyone contagious. There’s less room for illness and more room for learning. Having a clean school also encourages students to actually attend that school. I wouldn’t be encouraged to go to a filthy school. I would either want to transfer to another school or just stay home. When the school is clean, students will know that they are unique and special enough to be given the chance to attend such a clean school and they will want to do all they can, including being good students, to remain in that clean environment. Students will be inspired to learn. Teachers will also be more inspired to teach. When they come into a clean school, their spirits will be lifted, and they can spread that spirited attitude amongst their students. Keeping school  buildings, floors and facilities clean is essential for health and the positive image of your institution. Schools are designed for teaching and learning. Clean, nice-looking facilities are a key component to a learning environment. If your school is clean, there is a motivation for students to be clean, even if they are naturally messy at home, school is a play where you learn things. You pick up good habits. Students can learn cleanliness in their schools and bring the idea of cleanliness to their homes. Having a school clean also prevents unknown illnesses from floating throughout the entire school making almost everyone contagious. There’s less room for illness and more room for learning. Having a clean school also encourages students to actually attend that school. I wouldn’t be encouraged to go to a filthy school. I would either want to transfer to another school or just stay home. When the school is clean, students will know that they are unique and special enough to be given the chance to attend such a clean school and they will want to do all they can, including being good students, to remain in that clean environment. Students will be inspired to learn. Teachers will also be more inspired to teach. When they come into a clean school, their spirits will be lifted, and they can spread that spirited attitude amongst their students. Keeping school buildings, floors and facilities clean is essential for health and the positive image of your institution. Schools are designed for teaching and learning. Clean, nice-looking facilities are a key component to a learning environment. If your school is clean, there is a motivation for students to be clean, even if they are naturally messy at home, school is a play where you learn things. You pick up good habits. Students can learn cleanliness in their schools and bring the idea of cleanliness to their homes. Having a school clean also prevents unknown illnesses from floating throughout the entire school making almost everyone contagious. There’s less room for illness and more room for learning. Having a clean school also encourages students to actually attend that school. I wouldn’t be encouraged to go to a filthy school. I would either want to transfer to another school or just stay home. When the school is clean, students will know that they are unique and  special enough to be given the chance to attend such a clean school and they will want to do all they can, including being good students, to remain in that clean environment. Students will be inspired to learn. Teachers will also be more inspired to teach. When they come into a clean school, their spirits will be lifted, and they can spread that spirited attitude amongst their students. Keeping school buildings, floors and facilities clean is essential for health and the positive image of your institution. Schools are designed for teaching and learning. Clean, nice-looking facilities are a key component to a learning environment. If your school is clean, there is a motivation for students to be clean, even if they are naturally messy at home, school is a play where you learn things. You pick up good habits. Students can learn cleanliness in their schools and bring the idea of cleanliness to their homes. Having a school clean also prevents unknown illnesses from floating throughout the entire school making almost everyone contagious. There’s less room for illness and more room for learning. Having a clean school also encourages students to actually attend that school. I wouldn’t be encouraged to go to a filthy school. I would either want to transfer to another school or just stay home. When the school is clean, students will know that they are unique and special enough to be given the chance to attend such a clean school and they will want to do all they can, including being good students, to remain in that clean environment. Students will be inspired to learn. Teachers will also be more inspired to teach. When they come into a clean school, their spirits will be lifted, and they can spread that spirited attitude amongst their students. Keeping school buildings, floors and facilities clean is essential for health and the positive image of your institution. Schools are designed for teaching and learning. Clean, nice-looking facilities are a key component to a learning environment. If your school is clean, there is a motivation for students to be clean, even if they are naturally messy at home, school is a play where you learn things. You pick up good habits. Students can learn cleanliness in their schools and bring the idea of cleanliness to their homes. Having a school clean also prevents unknown illnesses from floating throughout the entire  school making almost everyone contagious. There’s less room for illness and more room for learning. Having a clean school also encourages students to actually attend that school. I wouldn’t be encouraged to go to a filthy school. I would either want to transfer to another school or just stay home. When the school is clean, students will know that they are unique and special enough to be given the chance to attend such a clean school and they will want to do all they can, including being good students, to remain in that clean environment. Students will be inspired to learn. Teachers will also be more inspired to teach. When they come into a clean school, their spirits will be lifted, and they can spread that spirited attitude amongst their students. Keeping school buildings, floors and facilities clean is essential for health and the positive image of your institution. Schools are designed for teaching and learning. Clean, nice-looking facilities are a key component to a learning environment.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Assignment 7 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

7 - Assignment Example In this case, the society incorporates biased attitudes that favor men. For instance, organizations prefer to employ men than women, despite having the same qualifications. In addition, some employers affirm that men have a huge responsibility of taking care of family, thus will be devoted to work compared to women. Callister states that women ought to be given equal chances to work in organizations so as to enhance the Gross Domestic Product of a nation. This is because women who stay at home taking care of the young ones and conducting household do not contribute to the growth of the nation’s economy. Callister came up with a six year research, so as to improve the recruitment and progress of women in organizations. As a result, there was improvement in the recruitment and advancement of women between 2003 and 2009 at Utah State. Currently, most women are able to advance their studies, resulting to reduction in illiteracy and women unemployment rate (Eaton 2). In conclusion, the education sector in any given nation should be enhanced so as to give women the opportunity to attend school. In this case, the government should employ qualified teachers, construct many schools and subsidize education fees. More so, organizations should come up with codes of conducts that protect the rights of women such as sexual harassment from male colleagues. The sexual harassers should be punished by the organization or the government law

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Outline the strategies adopted by the Apple Corporation in the last Essay

Outline the strategies adopted by the Apple Corporation in the last few years which has led to a transformation of the company's fortunes - Essay Example Apple faced several years of stagnation until Jobs was called back as interim CEO in 1997. Before Jobs returned Apple had lost its focus or core competency, offering 15 different products, none of which were in high demand on the computer market. He immediately put together a group of seven board members, including former CEOs from Oracle, Intuit and IBM. Apple implemented several changes under Jobs’ new leadership. Among them were cost control measures, streamlining and reformulating the product line and introduction of new products such as the iPod. After the introduction of the iPod, revenues increased from â€Å"below $10 million to $40 in 2005† (International Center for Market Research 2006). Apple’s diversification into electronics and media, with its online i-tunes store, created renewed interest in the company. Revenues from Mac computers has increased since 2005 as well. The challenge for Apple, Inc. currently is determining what types of products and se rvices will generate greater revenues. Consumers’ electronics and technology needs change over time, as new products appear on the market. Different segments require different product types, based on lifestyle and occupation. For those in creative occupations such as web design, graphics and advertising, Apple’s Macintosh computers with desktop publishing and graphics software are desirable products. For music lovers iPods are more desirable. This is a much larger segment, including several decades of consumers, though the largest portion is likely between the ages of 14 and 21.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Strategy, analysis, & Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategy, analysis, & - Assignment Example The RBV view would encompass the VRIN analysis. Value Chain Analysis The value chain of the company is segregated into primary and supporting activities. Primary Activity The primary activities of the King’s College Hospital are to provide specialist and general health care services to the patients. The value chain analysis is important to lay down the business level strategies. The core activities of the hospital are providing medical treatment and emergency services to the admitted and regular patients. Inbound and Outbound Logistics The hospital works closely with various reputed companies for the supply of medical devices, supplements, medicines, injections, gloves and various other medical requirements (King’s College Hospital, 2013a). iSoft is responsible for the supply and delivery of advanced computer systems. Pregnacare is responsible for supplying medical requirements to the maternity department and Teleflex, Macmillan Cancer support is accountable for the tim ely supply of the medical devices and requirements to the various departments of the hospital (King’s College Hospital, 2013a). Operations The operational activities in King’s College Hospital include the hiring of the appropriate medical staff, establishing health guidelines within the hospital and maintenance of the staff along with patient records (King’s College Hospital, 2013b). Marketing and Sales King’s College Hospital is one of the most reputed and oldest hospitals in North and East London (King’s College Hospital, 2013c). The hospital hardly believes in aggressive promotion. However, print and social media service is used in promoting the latest technology or latest health service offering. Services Apart from providing regular and specialist health care services, the hospital also offers blood collection services, training to medical students, awareness program about various disease and several other health related services. Supporting A ctivity Support activities involve support assistance that is required for the primary activities. Procurement The hospital works closely with other organizations of repute like, Venture, BT, Cerner, 3M and other miscellaneous companies for the procurement of the medical devices and other requirements (King’s College Hospital, 2013d). It procures information technology and other communications services from BT, hardware and software services from Cerner and resorts to Liftec for acquiring elevator devices. Technology development The hospital is highly dependent on technology for performing its medical operations and surgery. Technology like, neurological image scaling and scanning system are highly used for the liver transplantation and cancer units (King’s College Hospital, 2013c). Human Resource Management King’s College Hospital has a qualified medical staff which comprises of educated doctors and nurses. The efficiency and the repute of the hospital are tota lly dependent on the skills of the medical staff and